Heather Chauvin Coaching

Select from the programs listed below.

  • Heather Chauvin Coaching LLC

    “The productivity sessions have transformed my life in the last 3 weeks. Yes, transformed my life.

    I initially reached out to Heather because of being disconnected to my son and pretty much hating mom life. I knew the only way to change the relationship was by taking action and reaching out for the help I needed.

    I have shifted to being more present with my son (Connection), have more patience with my family (Peace), spend more time having fun (Nourished), choosing healthier options and movement (Healthy) and are in control of my budget (Abundance). I have seen such a difference in how I react to everything in a more positive, controlled way.”

    Mom Is In Control Mastery

  • Heather Chauvin Coaching LLC

    “What I enjoyed best working with Heather is seeing the change in my son’s behavior. Heather helped him discover the confidence in himself to handle life’s surprises. This training is beneficial because it provided my son with the tools he needs to effectively deal with situations he experiences in his daily life.”

    Teach Your Kid to Meditate

  • Heather Chauvin Coaching LLC

    “Let’s face it – being a mom can be scary! When you’re not second-guessing yourself, wondering if you’re doing it right… you’re exhausting yourself trying to make sure everyone is ok. What I adore about working with Heather is how REAL she is. She helps you to listen to your OWN internal guidance, which is essential to being trusting that you what are the perfect MOM for YOUR child. Heather is incredible at helping moms learn to trust yourself, to honor yourself, and to BE yourself.”

    Aligned Workshop

  • Heather Chauvin Coaching LLC

    “Energetic time management has helped me feel in control of my time. I used to feel overwhelmed. I would often think of things I wanted to do but think that I didn't have time. Now, if it's important to me, I know how to make time for it. Also, a cool side-effect for me is this: instead of feeling like I don't know where the time has gone, I often look at the clock and it's actually earlier than I think it's going to be. This never happened to me before.”

    Energetic Time Management